For those who have gone before us
May they rest in peace
Much of the research for these posts comes from S. G. Williams
and notifications from the 187th AHC Association Board of Directors.
S. G. Williams – Find a Grave – 187th AHC Virtual Cemetery
To report a recent death or illness

This area is Under Construction or Work In Progress. This usually means that after migration from the older site, we are changing the format and/or including additional information. This indicates that changes will occur over time and new or additional information may appear.

Jerry R. Stratton
January 18, 2025
Company Commander of the 187th Assault Helicopter Company from February 15, 1969 to August 17, 1969, passed away in his sleep yesterday, January 18, 2025. We will pass on funeral arrangements when we learn of them.
Details on a celebration of life and burial (February 3, 2025) are in the obituary at the above link.
May he rest in peace

David Spillers
August 2, 2024
My name is Tralinda Nelson- my father was David Spillers. He passed away on 8/2/2024. I have looked for information on his time in Vietnam, as he never wanted to talk about it, and when he did, it would give him nightmares.
I was wondering if there was a way to add him to the 2024 TAPS?
Please contact me if you need anything else, or you may have known him.
He was a gunner on a huey. Thank you
May he rest in peace

Randolph Wilkerson Baird
November 15, 2024
Another 187th AHC brother has passed away. Randolph Baird served briefly with the 187th at the beginning of 1969..
Randolph (Randy) W. Baird passed away at home on November 15, 2024 in Bristow, Virginia. He was born and raised in Ebony Virginia. He attended and graduated from the University of Richmond with a degree in business. Soon thereafter, Randy was drafted into the Army and proudly served his country in Vietnam. Upon return to Richmond he worked for Carpenter Company almost 40 years and retired as Vice President of Taxation. In retirement, Randy was inducted into the company’s Pantheon Society for his outstanding contributions in building the company’s tax department.
For those who knew Randy, he believed in hard work, service to his country and family, and the pursuit of education. He is survived by his wife, Shirley H Baird, of almost 57 years, his daughter the Honorable Lisa M Baird, his niece Beverly Baird, his nephew Scott Baird(wife Stacie) and their children Shelbie and Spencer. He is pre-deceased in death by his parents Bryant and Olive Baird, brother Bryant Baird Jr and his wife Shirley G Baird.
May he rest in peace

Jimmy Strait
11/13/2024 – We have lost another brother, one who was well known to most of us. Jimmy Strait passed away last night.
Jimmy hosted, or co-hosted, four 187th AHC reunions in Texas. He was president of the 187th AHC Association in 2015 and received the Gaffney Award in 2016.
In Vietnam, he was a crew chief and also worked in Supply in 1969-70.
Here are two obituaries for Jimmy Strait who passed away November 13
Obituray 1
Obituary 2
Contributions in memory of Jimmy may be made to the 187th AHC Association. Those should be sent to our treasurer,
Ray Root
P.O. Box 4693,
Gulf Shores, AL 36547
or to,
Shiner Baptist Church
120 W. 15th St.
Mail: PO Box 1358
Shiner, Texas 77984
May he rest in peace

Marty Alexander
We have learned from his wife, Karen, that Marty Alexander passed away from pulmonary fibrosis on August 25, 2024.
Alexander, a crew chief, was an original Blackhawk and original member of the Rat Pack. He created the Rat Pack logo. He was the third person to sign into the 187th Assault Helicopter Company at Fort Bragg, NC. In 2008 he was the third president of the 187th AHC Association.
“He loved singing in the church choir,” Karen Alexander said. “Now he’s free from pain and suffering and singing alone with the angels.”
Alexander is buried at the Veterans National Cemetery in Holly, Michigan.
May he rest in peace

Don Mingle
9/28/2024 – We have learned that Don Mingie, who hosted the 187th AHC reunion in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2014, passed away on September 25 from complications of a stroke. Mingie was a pilot in the 1st Platoon in 1969-70.
May he rest in peace

Jim Pepper
9/26/2024 – We have learned from the VHPA (Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association) magazine that Jeff Pepper passed away on May 28, 2024 in Columbia, Missouri. Pepper served as a pilot in the First Platoon of 187th AHC from January until April of 1970 before he was wounded and evacuated.
May he rest in peace.

Thomas Connelly
7/25/2024 – We have learned that Thomas Connelly, 81, of Mehlville, Missouri, who was a 187th AHC original Blackhawk, passed away peacefully on July 21. Connelly, a pilot who achieved the rank of captain, served with the Second Platoon from March to August of 1967 when he was transferred to another unit. He eventually was awarded a Silver Star, Bronze Star, three Distinguished Flying Crosses, and two Purple Hearts for his Vietnam service. He attended many 187th reunions.
May he Rest in Peace.

Charles Paul “Chuck” Damerow
2024 – 70 -71 Pilot – UH-1 – Crusader “29”
May he rest in peace.

Robert Greenfield
6/27/2024 – I believe we’ve learned of another veteran of the 187th AHC who has passed away. He is Robert Greenfield who our records show served with the 187th in 1971-72. He was platoon leader of the 1st Platoon.
May he rest in peace.
Thanks to Robert Keyser for passing this on. Keyser was Robert Greenfield’s roommate in Tay Ninh

John W. Burke
11/20/2021 – We have learned that John Burke of the 187th AHC has passed away. John was the gunner on the ship involved in the following incident as described on our website:
2 Jul 67 – The Blackhawks were involved in a combat assault mission in which they received intense enemy automatic weapons fire. Aircraft Commander Warrant Officer Paul Walker and his co-pilot Warrant Officer John Lindeman were wounded simultaneously in the legs and crew chief SP5 Larry W. Mackey rushed forward and removed the pilot from his seat and flew the aircraft to the medivac facility in Cu Chi. For his bravery and exceptionally outstanding skill which saved the lives of everyone aboard the aircraft, SP5 Mackey was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.
May he rest in peace.

Ned McClish
6/9/2018 – Ned worked in the Orderly Room and replaced Bob Calverley as company clerk. He was with the 187th from August 1968 to August 1969.
May he rest in peace.

David Daniel “Tiny” Kresta
2/24/2024 – Kresta was the 187th AHC Armament NCO in 1969-70. He also served on the !87th AHC Association’s Board of Directors as Member-at-Large in 2013 and 2014. He attended many of our reunions and will be missed.