If you were a member of the 187th AHC, a relative or friend of a veteran, and have photographs, stories or mementos, please get in touch with the webmaster. You can upload digital elements or make arrangements for another method to add your information to the 187th AHC website.
The website provides some limited information about veterans’ service, but we don’t know about their lives before or after Vietnam. Unfortunately, we usually find out this information via an obituary. If you wish to provide additional information about an individual, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the webmaster to arrange publishing.
One-way Communication
You can subscribe to our mailing list to get notices as new information is added. The subscribtion area is in the middle footer on the website, see below. This is a one way communication tool. It automatically sends you an email when changes are made to the website. Currently we are in the process of making numerous changes, so to preclude you getting a ton of emails, the sending option has been set to 2 per day. At a later date this will be change to receive an email when a change is made.
Two-way Communication
In an attempt to help keep everyone informed about the website and other 187th AHC activities, there is a mailing list options created on gaggle.email. This provides an opportunity to communication with other individuals interested in the history and on going activities of the 187th AHC. If you were a member of the 187th AHC, a member of one of our supported units, a family member, relative, or friend of a member, or just interested in Vietnam helicopter units, you are invited to join. But since the internet can be a scary place sometimes, the following rules are applied:
- The list is moderated, which means emails are reviewed prior to being released to the entire group.
- It is a voluntary list, no one is added without thier consent.
- Topics are limited to those that might be of interest to or about the 187th AHC or Vietnam War
- Topics prohibited are: religion, politics, conspiracy theories, and philosophy. Everybody already has made up their minds in these areas and starting an internet argument (flame war) is not productive.
To join the list, click here. You may unsubscribe at any time.
Unit Roster Database
If you are unsure if your information is in our member database (187th AHC members and family) or if there has been a change, please use the Unit Roster Update to make sure your information is included and correct.
Leave a Comment
There is a Comment block at the bottom of each page. If you have any additional information or want to leave your thoughts on the subject, please feel free to leave a comment. Comments are moderated, meaning they are screened before publishing. This is to prevent spam, not as censorship. We invite comments, especially if it adds additional information about the 187th AHC or other Vietnam aviation units.
If you see things that need correction or clarification, please let us know.