Presently I am in the process of moving over numerous articles/images from the old website to the new format. I have also been working on finding the tools to allow ease of transition and best means to display in your browser. So you may see changes as I move forward or make tool changes. But I will say I am 95% complete on the basic structure and display.
I have moved the following over into the new format:
- stories/poems/etc .
- Videos
- 187th Association files
- Veteran Info
- Headquarters, Lost Brothers, Unit Decorations, etc
- Unit History, Aircraft, Incident Reports, Lineage and honors, unit decorations
The following are being moved over in order of priority
- Unit Roster – this is a large project, involves moving each roster by last name beginning letter along with photographs
- Unit Roster Photo Gallery – I have been researching various tools to make this go faster, so you may see changes as I progress. But for now photos will be displayed in a non-organized, as they are fashion. Will continue to eedit and attempt to improve as time allows.
- Continue to edit web structure as necessary.
- Add even older articles from the old site that have become orphaned over time.
I will attempt to continue update here as time allows, probably weekly updates.
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